"Jadzia has looked after me for many many years, beginning at a crucial time in my life, when, after the death of a child, a divorce and then a very wobbly period in my second marriage, a friend told me that she was about to seek help from a Life Coach. Life Coach? This was in the 1990s and I had never heard of life coaching. How did we choose Jadzia? We got together the names of several people offering this service and we listened to each of their voices on their answer machines - we chose Jadzia because she sounded calm, confident and there was just a tiny hint of something else. We were not sure what it was. But as soon as I started to work with her I realised that above and beyond Jadzia's highly professional and common sense approach to my problems, there was always the funny side, the ability to get me back to some sort of reality and to enable me to laugh at my wilder gyrations into fantasy. Things were often bad but there was always a way through the mire. Since I met Jadzia I have (sorry we have) managed to cement a better relationship with my children, my step-children and my beautiful grandchildren. I have also learned how to rub along with my husband - sometimes happy, sometimes livid with him, sometimes sad - but still together. Jadzia also helped me to keep going when I was studying for a BA and then an MA. She was there when I was co-writing a book that has been published. I now arrange lectures and exhibitions. But as the years passed surprise surprise I became old (I keep having to remind myself that I am nearing my 80s because in my mind I don't feel aged) and Jadzia has helped me to adjust to my new lifestyle. In my mind I am still 38 years old but my body has gone on ahead and I have high blood pressure, diabetes, and a touch of rheumatoid arthritis. Yes - take less salt and keep off the cakes and walk walk walk. These are just part of the routine that Jadzia has helped me to set up and which, when I occasionally ring for help because life is getting at me and I am about to explode, or implode, she helps me to put my routine back in place. Peace! I will always be grateful to Jadzia - she helped to save my sanity. In my case she has truly been a Coach for Life."